
Industrial 电工: Job Description, Requirements, and Outlook


先进而安全的电力系统为美国各地的城市和企业提供电力.S. 会永远是必需品吗. Industrial 电工 have the fundamental skills needed to design, 安装, 维护, and repair large-scale electrical systems, all while keeping facilities safe and efficient. 而工业电工的工作描述可能因行业和英国正版365官方网站而异, 这些熟练的专业人员分担许多相同的责任和日常职责.

工业电工是必不可少的工人,他们享有广泛的工作机会,而不需要获得大学学位. 一个全面的 熟练技工计划 提供了作为一个工业电工的职业生涯所需要的所有技能和知识. 

Industrial 电工 Job Description

Industrial 电工 are responsible for designing, 安装, 维护, 修理各种类型工业建筑的电气系统和设备. 许多人在复杂的高压系统中工作,需要专业知识和培训. 具体的工业电工职位描述可能因行业而异, 设备类型, 现场技术, 和作用. 

Work Environment for Industrial 电工s

工业电工在工厂、工厂、铸造厂和其他大型工业建筑中工作. 不像住宅或商业电工,他们在家里的电气系统和部件上工作, 办公室, 零售商店, industrial 电工 work with high-voltage equipment, 变形金刚, 发电机, 和汽车. 

有些工业电工是直接受雇于制造业设施的轮班工人, 矿业, 或者公用事业部门. 他们轮班在同一设施或同一地区的一组设施的设备上工作. 其他人则为合同公司工作,可能会在同一班次内被派往不同的地点. 


工业电工工作描述中的具体职责是基于雇主或客户的需求. 然而,几乎所有的工业电工都需要执行以下任务:

  • Designing, 安装, 维护, and repairing electrical systems and equipment 
  • Evaluating power and space requirements via site surveys
  • 准备电气图纸
  • 保持简明的记录,包括原理图,蓝图,计算和价格估算
  • Reviewing various manufacturers’ warranties and filing claims where required
  • Designing and implementing electrical safety standards in industrial facilities
  • Keeping up with changes to 当地的, State, 以及联邦法规 or codes 
  • Adhering to budget requirements for the repair and replacement of electrical equipment
  • Conducting regular inspections and analyses of electrical equipment
  • Performing preventive maintenance on a variety of types of machinery and equipment 
  • Writing technical proposals and creating detailed reports
  • Applying for and obtaining permits where required 

工业电工 and Experience Requirements

Industrial 电工 are not required to earn college degrees, but they do require thorough training. 维持工业组织运转的高压系统和机械是复杂的. 像这样, 越来越多的雇主倾向于雇佣具有深入知识和安全培训的候选人,这些候选人与他们的具体需求密切相关.


的re are no formal education requirements for industrial 电工 at the State, 当地的, 或者联邦层面, but individual employers often have their own requirements. 经过认证的电气贸易计划可以提供在工业环境中茁壮成长所需的知识和培训.与传统的大学学位课程相比,这些课程可能会提供更低的成本和更大的灵活性, 这使得他们更容易接触到那些有兴趣从事工业电工职业的人. 


工业电工作为学徒开始他们的职业生涯,在更有经验的电工手下工作. This apprenticeship can last anywhere from two to five years, depending on the 当地的 or State licensure requirements. 许多工厂, 铸造厂, 其他工厂支付给学徒的工资低于他们支付给更有经验的熟练电工的工资. 作为熟练的电工工作, employers require an average of five to seven years of experience. 


许多州, 县, 城市, and municipalities require industrial 电工 to 维护 valid licensure. 大多数地区要求电工作为学徒工作两到五年,并通过严格的熟练工考试以获得执照. 雇主可能会根据他们具体的工业电工工作描述要求额外的证书. 一些例子包括:

  • 认证控制系统技术员(CCST) - CCST认证是由国际自动化协会提供的. 它被授予在自动化和控制系统方面表现出专业知识的电工.
  • 认证电气检验员(CEI) -由国际电气检验员协会授予, CEI认证证明熟练掌握电气检查和国家电气规范(NEC)要求的高级知识。.
  • 认证电气安全合规专业人员(CESCP) - CESCP指定由国家消防协会提供. It demonstrates the recipient’s proficiency in managing electrical safety programs, 电工, and anyone exposed to electrical hazards.
  • Certified Automation Professional (CAP) — 国际自动化学会颁发的CAP认证是负责设计的工业电工的理想选择, 部署, 监督自动化过程. 

Job Outlook for Industrial 电工s

美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the employment of 电工, 包括工业电工, will grow by 6% between 2022 and 2032, which is twice as fast as the average growth projected for all occupations. Electricity is at the heart of every industrial operation, and 电工 who have the skills and knowledge to build, 维护, and repair these complex systems will remain in high demand. 

在未来的几年里, 对替代或“绿色”电力系统的日益关注将增加对知识渊博的电工的需求,他们可以利用这些技术为工业部门服务. 

Gain the Skills You Need for an Exciting and Fulfilling Career

如果你对快节奏感兴趣, exciting role with exceptional job security and an above-average salary, consider becoming an industrial electrician. 的 field has numerous employment opportunities and plenty of room for advancement, 尤其是当你积累了经验之后. 的 电气行业培训计划 在伯明翰富通学院的课程可以为你作为一名工业电工的终身职业做好准备. 

在阿拉巴马州,电气行业培训计划教授有抱负的电工许多重要的概念, including the fundamentals of electrical theory, 电气生产流程, 电机及控制器操作, and electrical schematic interpretation. Students also learn how to keep themselves and others safe in accordance with 当地的, State, 以及联邦法规. 


Benefits of Trade 学校: Why a Hands-On 熟练的交易 Career Might Be a Good Fit
Differences Among Commercial, Industrial, and Residential 电工s

:Glassdoor, Industrial 电工 Overview
Indeed, “美国ltimate Guide to 电工 Requirements by State”
Indeed, “What Is an Industrial 电工?”
International Association of Electrical Inspectors, Certified Electrical Inspector Certification 程序 (CEI)
International Society of Automation, Certified Automation Professional (CAP)
International Society of Automation, Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST)
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 电工s
Zippia, Commercial and 工业电工 Requirements
标签: 电子交易, 电工